A sunny saturday afternoon in Zurich.
In the middle of a busy square a businessman lies on a bench, apparently asleep. In a bus a teenager thirsts for approval. A commuter fights with a ticket machine.
The film shows ten situations of the everyday life in the city as static tableaus. The people see themselves confronted with bigger and smaller problems, everyone of them a Sisyphus, rolling the small rocks of everyday life up the hill.

Original title: Menschen am Samstag
Director: Jonas Ulrich
Cinematography: Andi Widmer
Production: Nicole Boner
Music: Moritz Widrig, Janos Mijnsen
Editor: Jonas Ulrich
Script: Jonas Ulrich
Dialogue: without dialogue
Clearance of minors: 0 years
Licensed territory: Worldwide except Switzerland

Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Locarno Film Festival
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
Uppsala Short Film Festival
Alcalá de Henares Film Festival (ALCINE)
European Film Forum Scanorama

Pardino d’oro (Golden Leopard) for Best Swiss Short Film, Locarno Film Festival
European Film Award Shortlist