Eyes have been called the windows of the soul ā€“ they can reveal our fears, desires, attitudes, sincerity and many other emotions that we often can't or won't communicate through words and actions alone. A snapshot of a terrifying moment only partially revealed, ā€œiā€ is raw, uncompromising cinema.

Original title: i
Director: Luke Losey
Cinematography: Crighton Bone
Production: Maverick Litchfield-Kelly, Neath Films LTD
Cast: Alison Newman
Script: Luke Losey
Others: Sound Design: Tim Harrison
Dialogue: without dialogue
Licensed territory: Worldwide

BritSpotting Festival, Berlin
Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg
Brainwash Drive-In Festival, Oakland CA
Rushes Soho Shorts Festival, London Edinburgh International Film Festival Raindance Film Festival, London Cinem@tic, Birmingham
Aarhus Film Festival
Soa Paolo Film Festival, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur Kolkata Film Festival, India
Tehran International Short Film Festival Exground Film Festival, Wiesbaden

Best Of The Fest, Experimental, BritSpotting Festival, Berlin
Musik im Kurzfim-Preis International, Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg