An elementary school sports day gets out of hand. A harmless argument between two children
ends in death threats between the two fathers. The collective overload shakes an entire
society and unfolds into a microcosm of chaos. Cause and effect of violence echo in a fragile
social construct. A distant view of the everyday.

Original title: 1:10
Director: Sinan Taner
Cinematography: Manuel Karel Seiler
Production: Edgar Gomes Ferreira, Züricher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK)
Music: Sinan Taner, Géraldine Arpagaus Dariush Mehdiaraghi, Roman Kiwic
Editor: Sinan Taner, Nevin George
Cast: Serkan Tastemur, Manuela Biedermann, Leonardo Nigro et al.
Script: Sinan Taner, Leonardo Mastrogiacomo
Dialogue: German, Turkisch
Licensed territory: Worldwide

Int. Kurzfilmtage Winterthur

Festival du Court-Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand
Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis
Solothurner Filmtage
Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival
International Istanbul Film Festival
Flatpack Festival
SHORTS - Trinationales Filmfestival Hochschule Offenburg

Special Mention, Int. Kurzfilmtage Winterthur