Kater Percy freut sich auf einen erholsamen Tag in „Cat Lake City“ – das Urlaubsparadies der Katzen. Aber es läuft nicht wie erwartet. Nicht einmal der Platz auf seinem Handtuch ist so sicher, wie er dachte…

englischer Titel: Cat Lake City
Regie: Antje Heyn
Produktion: Danilo Grimm
Musik: Peer Kleinschmidt
Weitere Funktionen: Animation: Alexander Isert, Ted Newiss, Johanna Hochholzer
Sprache: ohne Dialog
FBW-Prädikat: besonders wertvoll

Schollinale Filmfest des Nordens
Reel 2 Real IFF for Youth
Bunter Hund- ISFF Munich
Brussels Int´l Animation FF
JEF festival
Black Movie FF Geneva
Anilogue Int. Animation Festival
Leuven ISFF
Bay Area Int. Children´s FF
Jana Int. Film Festival for Children and Youth
Int. Animation FF - Gdansk
Allgäuer Filmfeschdival
Clermont-Ferrand Int. Short Film Festival

London Int´l Animation Festival
Ajyal FF
ROLAN- Int. FF for Children&Young People
Festival of Animation Berlin
Guanajuato Int.FF
Zero Plus IFF
Animaevka Int. Animated FF
IndieJunior Allianz- Int. Children´s and Youth FF
Alpinale Kurzfilmfestival
Int. Trickfilmfestival Stuttgart
Kristiansand Int. Children's FF
The Seoul Guro Int. Kids FF
Int. Children’s FF Bangladesh
Flatpack FF
Int. Filmfest Dresden
Mo&Friese Hamburg Children’s Short FF
Plein la Bobine FF
Int. Animated FF Animocje
Zlín FF
Little Big Shots Int. FF for Kids
Fest Anca Int. Animation Festival
VAFI & RAFI – Int. Children and Youth Animation FF
Anima Mundi Int. Animation Festival
Curtas Vila do Conde Int. FF
ShorTS Int. FF
Lago Film Fest
Zinetxiki Zinemaldia Int. FF for Children&Youth
Guanajuato Int. FF
Tour FF
Cinekid Festival Amsterdam
MOSCA-Cambuquira Short FF
Festival Int. du Film de Nancy
Insomnia Int. Animation Festival
Göteborg FF Kids
Open-Air Filmfest Weiterstadt
Int. FF Cinema&You
Brest European Short FF
IndieJúnior Allianz- Int. Childrens and Youth FF
Cartoon Club Int. Festival of Animation Cinema, Comics & Games
LINOLEUM Contemporary Animation&Media Art Festival
OpenEyes Filmfest Marburg
Lahore Int. Children´s FF
Buster Copenhagen
DOK Leipzig
Sapporo Int. FF
Thessaloniki Int. FF
Michel Kinder und Jugend Filmfest Hamburg
El Meu Primer
New Chitose Airport Int. Animation Festival
TOFUZI Int. Animated FF
ANIMAGE Int. Animation Festival
Chicago Int. Children’s FF
LIAF London Int. Animation Festival
Lublin FF
St. Louis Int. FF
Calibélula Int. Children“s and Youth FF
SIFFCY - Smile Int. FF for Children and Youth
Olympia Int. FF for Children and Young People
Animateka Int. Animated FF
Reggio FF
Festival RécréAction
Children’s FF Seattle
REDCAT Int. Children’s FF
Annual BAMkids FF
Sommets du cinéma d'animation Montreal
Xiamen Int.Animation Festival
Lobo Fest – Int. FF
Providence Children's Festival

Best Children´s Film Award, London Int. Animation Festival
Best Short Film Award, Ajyal FF
Best Animated Short Film Nomination Award, Xiamen Int. Animation Festival
Best comedy film & Children jury diploma “For the best comical plot”, Zero Plus IFF
Prädikat "Besonders Wertvoll", FBW
First Prize RAFI Section 0-6, VAFI & RAFI
Public Audience Award, Plein la Bobine FF
Special Mention, Festival of Animation Berlin
Audience Award, filmzeitkaufbeuren
Animated Film diploma "For good humor and unbending optimism.", Animaevka